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Why reputation management is important

Businesses, brands, companies, organizations, and even individuals need to have an online reputation management plan. This is very important considering that we are living in an era where everything has been digitalized and customers have the liberty to write about their experiences. You may spend so many years trying to build a good reputation for yourself but it can only take minutes for the good reputation to come crumbling down. Nowadays, customers are always quick to leave negative comments more than positive ones. That is the reason why online reputation management is very important. According to Francis Santa , here are some of the importance of reputation management
For better ranking
Reputation management is very important for better search engine ranking. Online reviews play a very vital role in ranking. Search engines understand that customers value reviews. Before customers make a purchasing decision, they will always read reviews and feedback about brands. Positive reviews will give brands a better ranking. At the end of the day, search engines such as Google are always looking to provide their customers with a better experience. Companies that strive to build their online reputation are always rewarded with better ranking.
Increasing credibility and customer trust
This is another thing that online reputation management can do to a brand. Online reputation is more than just trying to please search engine algorithms. It also has a lot to do with how people try to notice or identify a brand. Customers are now trusting online reviews more than anything else. Therefore, it is upon businesses to try and gain customers’ trust. Failure to which the brand may not survive. Once a brand gains customers’ trust, they will speak to others about it and the words will spread. This is the start of gaining loyal and new customers as well.

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